Wednesday 18 November 2009


Asa trist mi se pare ca un barbat sa n-aiba coaie.. si selfesteem.
sa nu ai tu curajul sa admiti : da frate, asta mi s-a intamplat, what u gonna do.. shit happens.

dar neaah.. u have to make up a story in which u were the one who dumped her, si astfel u are the alpha male, u decided whats best.. bull shit.
U should be the man because u carry the gun - so to speak. Nu pentru ca u made up a story that flatters ur manhood.

As I said it before to some great men in my life : show me a guy with bigger balls than mine, and I will marry him

Until then, as I refused U before, I will refuse once again. I dont want u in my life, I need a man with all the package : gun AND balls

1 comment:

vpx said...

hmmm recunosc de undeva asta :)bleah ziceam si eu acum ceva vreme :)